Visitation Day

This month we celebrate the feast of the Visitation, a story in the Gospel of Luke.  Mary, who is pregnant with Jesus, visits Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist.  Both courageous mothers joyfully greet each other, and what happens next proves to be one of the most pro-life events in the Bible.

Elizabeth says to her cousin Mary, “The moment your greeting sounded in my ear the baby in my womb leaped for joy!”  How amazing!   The unborn child in Elizabeth’s womb recognizes the presence of Jesus inside the womb of His mother at only a few months of development.  Elizabeth’s baby senses the true presence of God and begins to kick!

What more can be said about the personhood of the unborn than this?   According to some, Mary was roughly three months pregnant while Elizabeth was further than six.  Yet the greatest prophet and the son of God were alive and were “meeting” for the first time.   Let us be grateful for the example of John the Baptist, the first to rejoice at the presence of our Lord.

In honor of the feast of the Visitation, we invite you to visit the East Los Angeles Pregnancy Center on Thursday May 31st.  Just as our Blessed Mother supported her cousin Elizabeth, we ask you to show your support to a cause that you care greatly about.

Just email us at or call (323) 728-1292 to schedule your visit.  We look forward to sharing our ministry with you!